Thursday, February 20, 2014

Poppin' Color

I've got a serious thing for polka dots. I've always been one to gravitate towards "cutesy" things, so I suppose my affinity for spots is only natural. A big reason I love this dress is because of how versatile it is, it can be easily dressed up or made more casual. I pair it with a cardigan and flats for my teaching field work and I've also thrown on heels with it for an awards ceremony. And of course, here's to hoping the weather warms up sometime soon so I feel less like a human icicle when shooting these pictures!

Where's it's all from...
Dress: Forever 21(old), almost identical found here! 
Belt: Forever 21(old), similar found here
Gold Bangles: Francesca's Collections (old), similar found here
Opaque Tights: H&M
Flats: Coach

I bought these Coach flats four years ago at Century 21 Department Store and I cannot find anything similar anywhere online, unfortunately. 


  1. Love love love when there is a single pop of color in an outfit, especially when it comes from adorable shoes!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Which is passed through the blogosphere as a sort of welcome. It highlights up and coming bloggers and allows them to gain an audience that they may have not gotten without it. Something fun to do! You can find out more information on my blog and the questions I would like you to answer if you want to participate -!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. i nominated you for a liebster award! please visit the link to find out more:
